Friends of Animals has opposed the “owl wars” U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service set in motion in 2013 when it started shooting barred owls as part of an “experiment” to save Northern spotted owls.

We plan to take legal action against the recently published 30-year lethal management plan that calls for shooting and killing around half a million barred owls. It allows FWS to continue sticking its head in the sand about why Northern spotted owls are even threatened—humans logging the forests they call home.

We are seeking individuals who have observed barred owls in the wild in Northern California, Oregon and Washington, have expertise about barred owls in general, or simply share our concerns. Your observations, comments or info can be emailed to:

Information about these areas in particular would be invaluable: California Klamath; California Cascades; California Coast – mixed conifer zone; California – redwood zone; Oregon Coast Ranges; Western Oregon Cascades; Eastern Oregon Cascades; Oregon Klamath; Olympic Peninsula; Western Washington Cascades; Eastern Washington Cascades.

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Thank you for your support and for standing with us in our ongoing fight to protect barred owls and all wildlife.