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The Good, Bad & The Ugly of the Paris Olympic Games 

The good: The efforts to include vegan meals at the Olympic Village are gold-medal worthy. Sixty percent of the 13 million meals served will be meatless; a third will be vegan—that’s record breaking. Meals ranging from vegan versions of gametime classics like hot dogs to fancier offerings like a veggie bourguignon, cauliflower and baked potato with […]

In Our View on July 25, 2024

FoA’s legal petition prompts USDA to make it easier for schools to offer vegan lunches

News on July 23, 2024

Monarchs need our help—and ESA protections

In Our View on July 19, 2024

FoA scores victory in suit over scarlet macaw protections

News on July 15, 2024

Cheers to Delaware town for cleaning up after Canada geese

News on July 12, 2024

Viewing veganism as a practice is the secret to staying committed 

News on July 11, 2024

Organic community gardens: A win-win for humans and biodiversity 

Uncategorized on July 11, 2024