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Michigan has an attitude problem, not a Canada geese problem

Jeers to Michigan’s Natural Resources Commission for unveiling a new policy to allow lake associations, golf courses, municipalities and other parties to hire federal crews to round up and kill Canada geese. Friends of Animals abhors this new policy, which if approved on Oct. 10, will replace a longstanding goose relocation program that state officials […]

News on September 17, 2024

Michigan has an attitude problem, not a Canada geese problem

News on September 17, 2024

We need your help to challenge FWS and save barred owls

News on September 16, 2024

Lights Out: Providing safe travels for night-migrating birds.

News on September 12, 2024

Wolves are paying the price for Colorado coddling the meat industry

News on September 10, 2024

Wildlife deaths expose NYC’s rat poison problem

News on September 9, 2024

Giving us hope: Students sue their university in Peru for vegan options

News on September 6, 2024