Friends of Animals is thrilled to announce the expansion of its low-cost spay/ neuter program to the state of Maine. In partnering with Maine Animal Health Alliance, of Old Belgrade Road in Augusta, Friends of Animals aims to finally provide affordable procedures to local pet owners—this is the first veterinary clinic in Maine to join the program.
To celebrate this new partnership and help reduce pet overpopulation, Friends of Animals will be gifting free spay/neuter certificates to residents in need. The value is approximately $10,000.
“Access to affordable spay/neuter service is paramount in the fight against pet homelessness,” said Priscilla Feral, President of Friends of Animals. “By welcoming Maine Animal Health Alliance into the fold, we’re making it even easier for the people of Maine to provide essential care to their own pets while preventing undesired litter.”
The certificates are available to those within a 25-mile radius of Maine Animal Health Alliance and dogs must be under 50 lbs.
The free certificate will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Certificates cover the cost of a routine spay/neuter procedure including a cursory surgical pre-exam, anesthesia, surgery, waste disposal, day of surgery post-operative care and pain relief, hospitalization as required and stitch removal if necessary.
Pet owners interested in receiving a no cost spay/neuter certificate should call 1-800-321-PETS M-F, 9-5 EST to request a certificate.
Shelters across the U.S. are overcrowded, exacerbating the euthanasia crisis, and those in Maine are no exception. Over 800 cats and dogs were euthanized in Maine shelters in 2020, according to the most recent data available.
Friends of Animals remains committed to making veterinary care accessible and to the fight against pet homelessness through its low-cost spay/ neuter program.