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The Good, Bad & The Ugly of the Paris Olympic Games 

The good: The efforts to include vegan meals at the Olympic Village are gold-medal worthy. Sixty percent of the 13 million meals served will be meatless; a third will be vegan—that’s record breaking. Meals ranging from vegan versions of gametime classics like hot dogs to fancier offerings like a veggie bourguignon, cauliflower and baked potato with […]

In Our View on July 25, 2024

Be Vegan. Make animal-free protein the norm in 2024 

In Our View on December 28, 2023

Foxes are simply magnetic 

In Our View on December 18, 2023

Protect wildlife by delaying your fall garden cleanup 

In Our View on November 10, 2023

Put autumn leaves to good use by composting

In Our View on October 18, 2023

Real world should reject fake grass

In Our View on October 17, 2023

It’s the fall feeding frenzy for bears; don’t provide a menu at your house

In Our View on October 5, 2023