We need your help banning second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides in Connecticut. SGARS are used to kill mice and rats, but all too often the victims are the raptors, foxes and other predators who consume rodents that have ingested the toxic poisons.
Please contact your state senators and representatives and tell them to support SB962 with a strengthening amendment that would put a two-year moratorium on the use, application, sale and distribution of SGARS in CT to allow CT DEEP and our state’s wildlife rehabbers to continue to study their deadly effects on non-target wildlife. You can find your legislators here.
CT’s A Place Called Hope Bird of Prey Rehab Center has completed 49 tests on dead raptors —40 have tested positive for one or more of the poisons that make up second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides. The center has five tests pending, including the American bald eagle whose recent death has generated a lot of attention from residents like you.
CT’s largest wildlife rehabilitator, Wildlife in Crisis, estimates that every year at least 100 birds and 40 foxes die in their care from SGARS. They all arrive convulsing and bleeding without external trauma. The deaths are heartbreaking to watch.
Harming and killing the natural predators who regulate rodent populations will never be the solution and makes no sense for CT. The best line of defense is always exclusion and sanitation.
Well-heeled chemical industry lobbyists are telling legislators there will be a public health crisis without SGARS. That’s a lie. There have been no rodent outbreaks in California or British Columbia since 2021 when their moratoriums or bans went into effect.