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Terms and Conditions

Please read completely and then select “agree” at the bottom of the page.

The recommended age for spay/neutering is 2 – 6 months of age. Female animals should be spayed before their first heat (estrus cycle). They do not need to have a litter before spaying.

The Friends of Animals certificate covers the cost of a routine spay/neuter procedure including a cursory (not full) surgical pre-exam, anesthesia, surgical procedure, waste disposal, day of surgery post-operative care and pain-relief, hospitalization as required, and stitch removal if necessary.

Inoculations are the responsibility of the pet owner and may be required by the veterinarian.

All services requested unrelated to a routine spay/neuter procedure are the responsibility of the pet-owner.

The veterinarian may charge the pet owner additional fees for non-routine procedures such as pre-diagnosed infections, undescended testicles, animals in estrus cycle (heat), take- home medications, pregnancy, and older dogs.

Increased charges may be applied for dogs 50 pounds and over but may not exceed $1 per lb. for 50-75 pounds, and no more than $2 per pound for dogs 76 lbs and over.

Any required small panel blood work fees will be at a discounted rate of $36-$65.

Certificates expire one (1) year after date of issue. Certificates may not be transferred or resold.

Refunds: If you don’t use your certificate after you purchased it and it is not expired, you can obtain a refund. A $20 service fee will be deducted for each refunded certificate. Lost or expired certificates are not refundable; If you are unable to use your certificate by the expiration date, contact FoA before it expires to obtain a certificate with a new expiration date. Return the unused certificate along with a $10 service fee to the FoA HQ address below. If prices have gone up since the original certificate was issued, pet owners must also pay the difference in rates.

Friends of Animals, 777 Post Road, Suite 205, Darien, CT 06820

Please Note: Veterinarians and animal hospitals participating in our program are governed and licensed by the state in which they are located. They are not owned and/or operated by Friends of Animals, Inc.  Should you have a problem with a veterinarian regarding a spay/neuter procedure using a Friends of Animals’ certificate, please contact Friends of Animals in writing at the above address or via email below.

For questions related to the Spay/Neuter Program call 1-800-321-7387 or email:

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