Register today! Friends of Animals Wildlife Law Program is pleased to present a live streaming of the film By All Rights, directed by Stan Minasian and made possible with funding from Friends of Animals and the Summerlee Foundation.
The screening will be followed by a live webinar: Wednesday June 10th, 11 am – 1pm MT, 1pm – 3pm ET
By All Rights examines the ever growing evidence supporting the case to provide whales and dolphins with legal personhood status. Within beautiful cinematography, their great intelligence, and shared traits of humans are explored.
“Such a change in status would allow lawyers to sue on behalf of these autonomous mammals when they suffer harm from such human activities as the use of sonar, captivity and ocean pollution.”
This webinar is a unique opportunity for educational engagement and will include a discussion opportunity with Michael Harris, the Director of Friends of Animals Wildlife Law Program.
We thank you in advance for joining us, and look forward to your participation! This webinars is free, but please consider making a donation today to support our focused actions toward improving and protecting the lives of animals.
Register by June 8th for this webinar by clicking here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Friends of Animals Presents: Animal Law 101
Register today! Friends of Animals Wildlife Law Program is pleased to present:
Animal Law 101: a live discussion with Jennifer Best, Assistant Legal Director of Friends of Animals Wildlife Law Program.
Wednesday 6/17/20: 12:00 PM Mountain Time/2:00 PM Eastern Time
This is a unique opportunity for educational engagement about important statutes and issues that arise when litigating issues for non-human animals.
Ms. Best graduated from University of Denver Sturm College of Law in May 2013 with a Certificate in Environmental and Natural Resource Law, and believes all people and species deserve the right to be heard in our legal system.
We thank you in advance and look forward to your participation! These webinars are free, but please consider making a donation today to support our focused actions toward improving and protecting the lives of animals.
Please register for this event by June 15th by clicking here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.