We have a cheer for the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending package unveiled yesterday because it extends a ban on the slaughter of healthy wild horses and burros and maintains the ban on U.S. horse slaughter by continuing the prohibition for federal funding of USDA horsemeat inspections.
This is the consolidation of the House and Senate versions of Agriculture and Interior Appropriations bills we were hoping for! We at Friends of Animals cannot thank our supporters enough for being the voice of America’s wild and domestic horses. While it won’t be official until both Houses of Congress vote this week, your calls and letters to you legislators in Congress made all the difference in creating a spending package that doesn’t harm America’s horses. FoA also made sure your views on all of America’s horses were represented when we met with the members of Congress who represent Connecticut, where our headquarters are located.
Stay tuned! The war is not over, but we are bolstered by this victory.