We have a huge jeer today for the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department—which is proposing a bobcat hunting and trapping season process for the first time in two decades—and for the supporters of this plan, including N.J. governor, Chris Christie.
When confronted with the idea at a recent town hall meeting, Christie said “For all of you who want bobcats killed, I’m your guy,”
Regardless of his despicable approach, hundreds of concerned citizens weighed in on the issue Monday night at a public hearing in Concord.
“The overwhelming public outcry is because New Hampshire residents do not want their wildlife sold as a commodity,” an opponent of the plan said. A recent survey of more than 1,200 voters in New Hampshire revealed that only 25 percent of respondents support a bobcat hunt, while 62 percent vehemently oppose the trapping and trophy hunting of bobcats in New Hampshire.
Bobcat hunting was outlawed in New Hampshire in 1989 because the animals were nearly wiped out, but now the population has rebounded, state officials said. The Fish and Game Commission is proposing to issue 50 bobcat permits through a lottery. The timing of the inaugural season would be December for trapping and January for hunting. If adopted, the proposal would take effect in December of 2016.
Fortunately, we have the opportunity to have our voices heard in opposition to the proposed bobcat hunt, and you can make a difference! The public comment period is open until tomorrow Feb. 10. Send email to comments@wildlife.nh.gov. Include the subject line “Oppose Bobcat Season.”
– See more at: https://secure.friendsofanimals.org/news/2016/february/speak-out-against-nhs-proposed-bobcat-hunt#sthash.GkopCIHF.dpuf