Today we’re launching our “Shame Campaign”, which will target communities across the country who engage in animal killing contests for fun, often rewarding children who participate with money and guns!

Planning a Vegan (6)

We are hoping to raise awareness that these barbaric “games” do exist in 2016, and rally people to help make them illegal because it can be done. California for instance, banned predator killing contests at the end of 2014.


Our first stop on the map—Holley, N.Y, where the Holley Fire Department has been hosting a “Squirrel Slam” for the last several years. This fundraising event provides an incentive to children and adults to shoot many squirrels to win prizes—a disturbing, irrational activity that’s out-of-pace with a civilized society.



  • Please view and share our compelling and informative short video below documenting our experiences in Holley, N.Y., challenging the Squirrel Slam contest as part of our continued efforts to ban animal killing contests.


  • Call the Holley Fire Department at 585-638-6884 and tell them to create a different fundraiser. You can also leave a review on their Facebook page located here.


  • Also, ask your state representatives to introduce bills that would ban such events.

– See more at: