The Brooklyn Paper
Meet the goose patrol
A group of watchdogs has launched “a 24/7 goose watch” in Prospect Park to prevent federal officials from once again slaughtering their feathered friends.

The group – which consists of about 40 wildlife advocates, business leaders and residents – says it will plant night-vision cameras and set up “stakeouts” in the park until the killing season ends in July.
At least a dozen “core members” – ranging from 17 to 70 years old – met at an undisclosed Park Slope business for the first time late on Monday night, hoping to send the feds a message: We’ve got an eye on you.
“If they come back [for the geese], it should be documented,” said Edita Birnkrant, an organizer and a director for the wildlife advocacy group Friends of Animals. “It’s an outrage; and people should see it.”