Friends of Animals releases statement on soon-to-be released carriage horse ban bill 

“Friends of Animals is immensely gratified that Mayor De Blasio has produced a carriage horse ban bill that will be officially introduced into the New York City Council in a matter of days,” said Edita Birnkrant, Friends of Animals’ campaign director.  

“We fully support the Council’s swift action to pass this long overdue legislation so that the dangerous and abusive carriage horse trade can finally be abolished. Friends of Animals has monitored, criticized and agitated against the carriage horse trade for over 40 years from our Columbus Circle office. Finally, a Mayor and City Council are primed to banish, not just attempt to regulate, this cruel industry. 

“Friends of Animals will work closely with the administration and will assist in placing all of the horses in reputable sanctuaries when their days toiling in Manhattan traffic are finally over.  New York City is on the verge of making history by leading the way to become a more humane, progressive city for all by ensuring that a form of animal exploitation—carriage horse rides—will no longer be considered a tourist attraction in the greatest city in the world.” 


New York-based Friends of Animals, an international animal protection organization founded in 1957, advocates for the rights of animals, free-living and domestic, around the world.

1. Join us on the steps of City Hall tomorrow at 1 p.m. to rally in support of Mayor de Blasio's plan to ban this cruel industry. Get more information here. 

2. We are also urging NYC residents to contact their City Council Member and urge them to support the passage of this bill. Find your Council Member's contact information right here. 


Press Coverage

“Bill to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages in Central Park Moves Forward” –'Although not part of the legislation animals rights activists have been in touch with animal sanctuaries who they say have pledged to house all of the displaced horses if the bill passes.  One large sanctuary in California has committed to taking one hundred horses and another has pledged to accommodate fifty according to Edita Birnkrant'

“Looks like De Blasio is Finally Abolishing Horse Carriages” Gothamist

“New York mayor ready to move on carriage trade”