Friend of Animals is joining forces with CompassionWorks International to host the Worldwide Rally Against Trophy Hunting on Jan. 12 in New York City.
Time: Saturday, Jan. 12, noon to 1 p.m.
Location: Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 245 E 47th St. NY, NY (across from Trump World Tower)
We will join other cities across the globe to raise awareness about the ego-driven and senseless murder of countless wild animals by trophy hunters. The event coincides with the Safari Club International’s annual convention in Reno, where hunters come to book their killing sprees and shop for the latest guns and hunting equipment.
New York Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal will be on hand to speak about the legislation drafted by FoA that she is championing, which would ban the importation, possession, sale or transportation of the trophies of African giraffes, leopards, lions, elephants, and black and white rhinos and their body parts throughout New York—all vulnerable, threatened and endangered species. For more information about the legislation can be found here.