The New York City office of Friends of Animals is staging a Howl-in, Phone-In to protest a wolf extermination scheme set to begin in Idaho on Tuesday, August 30, 2011, and in Montana on September 3rd.
The Howl-In, Phone-In is taking place at the entrance to Central Park at Columbus Circle on Tuesday, August 30-from 12:00-2:00PM. We’ll be placing calls, and mailing postcards, to the three governors-demanding the slaughter be canceled immediately, and pressing a tourism boycott of those states.
Friends of Animals’ president, Priscilla Feral, says, “What’s about to happen to gray wolves in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming-who are a vital part of the ecosystem-is vile. Governors of these states are subjecting wolves to pogroms from the Middle Ages.”
Because gray wolves were taken off the Endangered Species List in the Northern Rockies-through a rider placed in the 2011 federal budget bill-they unfortunately face state-sponsored slaughter in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. It’s estimated that only 1,500 gray wolves remain in those three states.
Friends of Animals has announced an economic and travel boycott of these three states-including Yellowstone National Park, which exists in all three-until wolves are no longer persecuted.
What: Howl-In, Phone-In for Wolves
When: 12:00 PM-2:00 PM
Where: Columbus Circle entrance to Central Park-59th St between Central Park South & Broadway in Manhattan
Why: Protest the state-sponsored wolf-killing in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
Please contact Edita Birnkrant, New York Director of Friends of Animals
Email or Phone: (212) 247-8120