On the 29th of March, Gov. Frank Murkowski declined to talk about the shooting scheme in a public forum in Anchorage, hosted by Professor Rick Steiner and attended by Priscilla Feral, president of Friends of Animals.
“The people responsible for the shootings have a choice as to whether they want to attend this public forum, or if their priorities are elsewhere. Obviously, their priorities are elsewhere,” said Priscilla Feral.
Howl-ins are protests where the public can sign postcards pledging to boycott travel to Alaska until the killing is stopped. 94,000 postcards pledging to boycott the state have been distributed through FoA Howl-ins across North America and as far as Japan.
Emily Cost of OohMahNee Farmed Animal Sanctuary in Hunker, Pennsylvania said, “I saw these postcards in Pittsburgh and I knew we needed to help with this.” A Howl-in will be held at the sanctuary this Saturday, 3 April, at 10 a.m. The sanctuary will host the 128th howl-in against the aerial-killing of wolves.
A March editorial in The New York Times called aerial-shooting “extremist,” and the decision of Gov. Frank Murkowski and his administration “the savagery of humans.”
And the savagery does not stop there. The Board of Game added bears to their aerial-killing prey.