We need your help to pass 3 bills in the New York Legislature to benefit cats, dogs and wildlife

New York state residents have an opportunity to help pass three important state bills that would greatly help cats, dogs and wildlife. You can help by contacting your local state senators and representatives in the Assembly and urge them to support the following bills and pass them into law.

1.A bill to ban declawing of cats would prohibit this painful, barbaric and cruel surgical procedure that surgically removes the claws of a cat at the joint since the claws grow on the bone. This surgery can be debilitating both physically and mentally to cats. Bill Number A.1297, sponsored by Assembly member Rosental, and Bill # S.5084 is sponsored by Senator Griffo. Please contact your Assembly member and Senator and ask them to vote yes on this bill to ban declawing of cats in NY.

2.The bill to ban devocalization of dogs and cats would prohibit the cruel surgery that involves cutting the vocal cords of the animal to remove or soften their bark or meow.  Devocalization is an unnecessary, reckless surgery that often results in severe medical complications or death.  Barking and meowing are normal vocalizations for dogs and cats and excessive barking and meowing can be modified behaviorally.  Bill number A.1679 is sponsored by Assembly member Zebrowski and Bill number S.4647 is sponsored by Senator Avella. Please contact your Assembly member and Senator and ask them to vote yes on this bill to ban devocalization of dogs and cats in NY.

3.The bill to ban Wildlife Killing Contests would prohibit wildlife killing competitions that target multiple species in New York state including coyotes, squirrels and crows and award prizes to participants.  These mass killing contests have no place in a civilized society and often involve children who are awarded prizes and cash for these contests that make killing animals “fun” and indoctrinate children into the violent gun and hunting culture.
Bill number A.3855 sponsored by Assembly member Glick and Bill number S.2634 is sponsored by Senator Martins in the Senate. Please contact your Assembly member and Senator and ask them to vote yes on this bill to ban wildlife killing contests in NY.

Find out who your Assembly member is here
Find out who your Senator is here.