This skinny harbor sea pup was stranded on Dockweiler Beach, California. The weakened pup was also suffering from multiple lacerations on its flippers and face.
Marine Animal Rescue rescued and then transported the pup to a care center for medical attention.
Efforts to Rescue Wayward Sea Turtle Begin
The Friends of Animals’ Marine Animal Rescue program has been asked by the National Marine Fisheries Service to assist in the rescue of one, possibly two, wayward green sea turtles caught in a mile long flood control channel in southern LA County. The turtle is in no immediate danger. The 3 foot, 40 pound turtle has enough food in the channel, but with no chance of returning to the ocean on its own, the endangered animal will need human assistance.
The 50 foot wide, 20 foot deep, mile long flood control channel offers many challenges for the rescuers. A rescue plan is being developed while the turtle’s condition continues to be monitored.