Darien, Conn., US ““ The international animal-rights organization Friends of Animals has launched a holiday season anti-fur advertising blitz. The centerpiece of the campaign will be some 75 New York City buses displaying ads that show fur-bearing animals wearing brightly colored wigs with the tag line: “You look just as stupid wearing theirs.” The ad, which appears on Nov. 24 and will run through the holiday season, was created by Atlanta, Ga.,-based Tedco Worldwide.
“The surreal image is eye-catching and thought-provoking,” said Priscilla Feral, president of Friends of Animals. “The ludicrousness of putting wigs on animals makes people reflect on the perversion of decorating human bodies with fur at the cost of the countless lives of other animals.”
A Gallup poll conducted in May this year revealed that 54 percent accepted wearing fur — down 7 percentage points from 2001. Even more starkly, the number of people who believe fur-wearing is wrong went up 7 points.
Another Friends of Animals advertisement, running in Rolling Stone and other prominent magazines, addresses fur trim.
“People may assume fur trim does less harm,” said Feral. “But we’re making it clear that pelts of any size come from yet another animal bought, killed and sold for the fashion industry.”
Beneath the thoughtful gaze of the lynx, the caption, styled as a coat label, makes the vivid point: “If you believe genuine fur trim comes from scraps, where do scraps come from?”
The industry is savvy, and it’s trying to co-opt the language of animal advocates. The International Fur Trade Federation’s 2008 “State of the Industry Report” proclaims: “Animal welfare is key to the success of the fur industry.”
“We won’t let corporate double-speak gloss over ugly realities,” said Feral. “Those concerned with the well-being of living individuals must simply refuse to pay the business that traps, breeds, suffocates and electrocutes animals.”
Pass up fur in any form, including trim and accessories. This holiday season, the message will ring loud and clear.
Founded in 1957, Friends of Animals advocates for the right of animals to live free according to their own terms.