Friends of Animals is alerting animal lovers statewide about the pitfalls of HB 5570, a proposed amendment to Connecticut’s anti-cruelty law.

According to FoA’s President Priscilla Feral, “This is just another example of ‘feel good’ legislation that does nothing to protect animals. It is nothing more than a political maneuver designed to make people think that neglected dogs across the state are getting the legal protections they deserve.”

HB 5570 stands to weaken the existing cruelty law by placing new restrictions on which animals must be provided with shelter when outdoors. The current state anti-cruelty law has no explicit restrictions on this but instead generally mandates the protection of animals from the weather and is easily applicable to any animal kept outdoors.

HB 5570 also includes a provision which allows for the chaining or caging of a dog for up to 20 hours—24 hours if the dog is being kept at a pet shop, a grooming facility or a training facility. Anyone concerned about the plight of neglected dogs in our state should be on alert that this bill essentially provides animal abusers with a defense to the prolonged chaining and confinement of the animals in their care.

FoA’s Legislative Analyst Megan Metzelaar says, “This bill represents the old welfarist approach complete with weak provisions that actually can be read to condone certain acts of cruelty.”

Friends of Animals is asking Connecticut residents to contact their representatives and members of the Judiciary Committee immediately to voice their opposition to this bill. The Judiciary Committee can be contacted by e-mail at or by phone at (860) 240-0530.