Contact: Dustin Garrett Rhodes, Capital Correspondent, Friends of Animals
Phone: 202-906-0210 E-mail

Washington, D.C.-In April 2011, the U.S. Congress tucked an unprecedented “wolf de-listing rider” into the federal budget bill and it passed.

This rider removed wolves from the Endangered Species List in the Northern Rockies-where it’s estimated that only about 1500 wolves remain. The Rally for Wolves will demand protection for wolves of the West and denounce the stalking of these animals.

Said Priscilla Feral, president of Friends of Animals: “President Obama appointed Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Interior. A cattle rancher who constantly undermines animals on public lands. We say: Don’t do it. Removing federal protection and subjecting wolves to more hunting is unconstitutional and unconscionable.”

Wolf advocates from all over will convene in Washington on Friday 12 August 2011 to denounce the wolf de-listing.

Friends of Animals’ legal experts are now drafting an amicus brief in the case for wolves with federal Judge Donald Molloy to buttress the case made by Alliance for the Wild Rockies and co-plaintiffs Friends of the Clearwater and WildEarth Guardians, who have filed an Appeal to the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals “to preserve both wolves and the rule of law in the Northern Rockies.”

Friends of Animals also called for a complete travel and economic boycott to the states that advocate killing them: Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. These three states place the interests of elk hunters and ranchers over wolves and plan to issue wolf killing permits next month.

“We need to put the economic screws to state governments that persecute wolves at the behest of haters,” said Feral.

What: Rally for Wolves

When: Friday 12 August 2011

Where: Gather at the Capitol Reflecting Pool at 9.00 a.m. (First Street and East Capitol). Then march to the White House before convening at Lafayette Park (1600 Pennsylvania Avenue-directly across from the White House).