pspan style=”font-size:14px;”The emConnecticut Post/emnbsp;reports in its article,/spannbsp;span style=”font-size:14px;”a href=””Deer herd declining in Fairfield County/a (Sept. 7, 2012),/spannbsp;span style=”font-size: 14px;”that according to CT wildlife officials, there is a decline in the number of deer in the state. nbsp;And while the Connecticut DEEP gives some credit to hunters for the population decrease, Priscilla Feral, president of Friends of Animals gives this advice:/span/pp style=”margin-left: 40px;”strongspan style=”font-size:14px;”The DEEP is in the business of selling hunting licenses, I think people should take all their propaganda with a large dose of salt.#39;#39;/span/strong/ppspan style=”font-size:14px;”And points out:/span/pp style=”margin-left: 40px;”strongspan style=”font-size:14px;”…that the animosity toward deer may have to do with their size and visibility. White-tailed mice, she said, are the best-known carrier of Lyme bacteria, but no one is calling for a mouse hunt.#39;#39;/span/strong/ppa href=””span style=”font-size:14px;”Read full article…/span/a/p