Kudos to California for taking bold steps to ban sales of a pesticide that the National Marine Fisheries Service concluded jeopardizes orcas, the salmon they eat, 38 species of other endangered fish and the critical habitats of 37 endangered species. Oh, and it also harms the brains of small children.
Yet despite all the evidence of the toxic effects of chlorpyrifos, which farmers use to protect fruit and vegetable crops, from insects, the Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency quickly rolled back Obama administration plans to ban the pesticide in 2015.
We are cheering states that are stepping in to shield wildlife and humans from harm at a time when the federal government is catering to chemical interests.
Sales of chlorpyrifos will end in California in February 2020 and growers will not be allowed to possess or use it after Dec. 31, 2020. Hawaii banned the pesticide in 2019. Chlorpyrifos is manufactured by Corteva Agriscience.
Friends of Animals has been working to support legislation in New York City that would restrict the use of toxic pesticides on city lands as well as pushing for statewide legislation in Connecticut, where FoA is headquartered, banning pesticides on municipal greens.
For more on FoA’s work to restrict pesticide usage, click here.