Almost two years ago, Miuccia Prada, an iconic international fashion designer, made headlines when she asserted: “I’m bored with fur.” While many assumed that Prada’s boredom would spark an end to models parading on runways draped in the bodies of dead animals, the design house continues to have blood on its hands by peddling the destruction of living, feeling furbearing animals.
A call to Prada Corps USA in October 2008 confirms that grisly designs made from fox, weasel, raccoon and mink are being marketed in Prada boutiques and department stores across North America-ranging in price from $2,000 for a raccoon fur-trimmed coat to $22,000 for a full mink jacket. Violence is costly-for consumers and animals. Sixty dead minks are required to produce one knee-length mink coat. These animals are raised in filth and squalor on fur farms, meeting their deaths by gassing and anal electrocution, or destroyed in appalling leg-hold traps set by trappers.
Friends of Animals’ president Priscilla Feral says, “Miuccia Prada told the press she’s bored by fur, yet the truth is that her brand is still dripping in it. Consumer awareness is the key to reversing fur sales and prompting people to reject the violence behind every piece of fur. A fox or other animal’s beautiful fur belongs to them, no one else, and a more respectful world begins with each one of us.”
Help Us Spread the Word: Wearing Fur Is Absurd!

Friends of Animals unveils its new anti-fur campaign on November 24 with ads on the sides of 75 New York City buses featuring animals wearing human wigs with the tagline: “You Look Just As Stupid Wearing Theirs.” Ads in Rolling Stone, Vegetarian Times, and ANIMAL PEOPLE also compellingly denounce the use of fur trim. New anti-fur flyers are also available for advocates helping to spread the word that fur is a real disgrace.
Please support Friends of Animals’ efforts to keep fur-on the coyotes, wolves, red and grey foxes, ermine, minks, lynx, raccoons, beavers, seals, otters, weasels, chinchillas and rabbits- where it belongs.