Please join us on Sunday, August 28 in Hamilton, Montana to protest the wolf slaughter that’s set to begin on September 3, 2011 in that state.

Friends of Animals is enacting a complete economic boycott of the three states that are sponsoring wolf kills-Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. We’re asking our supporters not to travel to, or buy goods from, any of the offending states until wolves are not slaughtered and, once again, offered federal protection-and this includes a boycott of Yellowstone National Park, which is part of all three states.

If you are live in the area, please stand up for wolves and join this important rally.

What: Rally for Wolves

Where: American Legion Park (across from the courthouse) in Hamilton, Montana.

When: Sunday, August 28, 2011. 3:00-4:30 PM. Please bring signs. This is an opportunity both to denounce the wolf slaughter and educate the public.

If you have questions, please contact:

Toni Stark

Phone: (406) 777-3182

If you are interested in hosting a rally or Howl In in your area, please contact Dustin Rhodes of Friends of Animals, or by phone: (202) 986-1693
