pa href=”″strongemThe Connecticut Post/em/strong/a strong: Editorial/strong/p
p August 28, 2012/p
pCanada geese, as beautiful as they may be in flight, are a messy nuisance when they congregate on land and leave their droppings everywhere. Every town in the region has its trouble spots, and the most recent to come to the public eye is in Milford, where the geese have grown comfortable around the lower duck pond behind City Hall./p
pThe flock’s grown large enough to be disruptive to traffic and events in the area, officials maintain. So there’s been some talk of taking measures to force the birds out./p
pWell, Milford officials might do well to check with their counterparts in Trumbull, where officials have undertaken a project in that town’s Old Mine Park, along the south bank of the Pequonnock River./p
pThe planting is primarily designed to protect the river bank from erosion and shade the water to make an environment friendlier to fish./p
pBut the buffer zone will have another benefit: the Canada goose does not like vegetation; it prefers closely mowed grass and clear sight lines./p
pThe fact that people are feeding them in Milford obviously does not help, and the city should do whatever it can to discourage that behavior, as well./p
pBut it could be that some well-placed plantings could be helpful in encouraging the big birds to move on./p