pFriends of Animals campaign against fur-flaunting Johnny Weir, former Olympian and reality TV ldquo;starrdquo;, succeeded in bringing his disturbing fur obsession into question at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. According to Weir, a href=”” target=”_blank”NBC informed him this week/a that he is forbidden from wearing fur on air…a decision he finds ldquo;appropriaterdquo; while he also finds it appropriate to wear fur at any other time./ppWhat emwe /emfind to be wildly inappropriate is Weirrsquo;s wanton love of fur, complete disregard for the pain and suffering caused by the fur industry, and the lengths he is willing to go to in order to adorn himself in animal skins…including lying to the press at the 2011 Olympics, claiming Friends of Animals threatened his life.nbsp;img alt=”” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/NBC%20collage.jpg” style=”width: 300px; height: 300px; margin: 8px; float: right;” //ppFriends of Animals is the only animal rights organization that has been challenging Weir to stop wearing fur since the beginning of his career and we are pleased to see that our campaign effected change this year and caused NBC to step up to the plate and tell Weir his fur-wearing fetish is not acceptable.nbsp;/ppWe applaud NBC for taking an anti-fur stance and not allowing Weir the opportunity to flaunt his sick fur obsession to viewers of the Olympics this year and hope that more networks will follow suit and acknowledge the cruelty of the fur industry.nbsp;/ppWhen individuals buy fur of any kind, they are supporting an industry that has no respect for animals. With hundreds of other luxurious alternatives to fur readily available, there is no way to justify slaughtering more than 50 million animals every year who are raised on fur farms around the world and killed for their pelts in addition to the 10 million animals trapped in the wild.nbsp;/ppWe remind Weir that while he considers wearing fur to be a ldquo;personal choicerdquo;, the animals who died for his attire didnrsquo;t have a choice. We urge Weir to evolve and stop wearing fur once and for all. nbsp;/p