Bill de Blasio Says He’ll Fulfill Horse Carriage and Living Wage Promises
From the New York Observer. By Jillian Jorgensen | 07/08/14 2:40pm
“When it comes to his promises to ban horse carriages and expand the city’s living wage law, Mayor Bill de Blasio says he’s working on it.
The horse carriage ban was a major campaign issue — and secured him the backing of the Anyone But Quinn campaign funded in large part by New Yorkers for Clean and Livable Streets, or NYCLASS. But as the Observer reported last week, the animal advocates are fuming over the lack of progress on a ban some six months into his administration.
The mayor told reporters the city had just finished a “very intense session in the City Council” passing the budget, as well a long session pushing priorities in Albany.
“Now we’re going to turn to a series of new priorities, and certainly I’ve said many times, and I’ll say it again: I think we need to ban horse carriages in New York City and we’re going to act accordingly,” Mr. de Blasio said at an unrelated press conference on NYCHA funding.
But as the council heads into the summer doldrums, with committees and the full body meeting less often, the mayor offered no timeline for even introducing a bill, let alone rounding up enough votes to pass it.
“We’re working on the details now with the City Council, but clearly there’s going to be a legislative process,” he said….” Read more.
Mayor de Blasio's comments came after Friends of Animals, NYCLASS and other activists took to the streets in New York City today, protesting this cruel industry and specifically one driver who broke the law by forcing her horse to work in 90 degree weather after the NYPD ordered a suspension that day.
It’s time for de Blasio to make the carriage horse ban a priority. Friends of Animals is asking its New York members to contact the mayor and their City Council members and urge them to write and pass the legislation that would get carriage horses off city streets and onto sanctuaries where they can live free instead of as prisoners to this industry.
NYC Council Members can be reached here.
De Blasio can be reached by calling 212.788.3000, sending a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio, City Hall, New York, N.Y. 10007; or sending an online message here.