‘Tis the season for wildlife watching
By Nicole Rivard
When Friends of Animals was in Wyoming in August protesting the roundups of America’s wild horses, staff members also embarked on the Pilot Butte Wild Horse Scenic Tour, a self-guided driving tour that enabled them to see in the flesh the magnificent animals they are fighting for. It was a life-changing, wildlife-watching experience.
Like FoAs’ staff, more and more Americans are picking up their cameras and choosing wildlife watching as a pastime—outnumbering hunters—and Friends of Animals couldn’t be more thrilled.
According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s 2011 National Survey, 71.8 million Americans participated in some form of wildlife watching that year, up from 66.1 percent in 2001.
You can read more about this trend in our upcoming issue of Action Line, which comes out later this month, in the article titled “Safely Shooting Wildlife.”
Also be sure to read our president’s “In My View” Column, where she reveals that fall is a particularly good season to watch birds as they migrate south and gives tips on the best places to view them. We have also created a map of some of the best locations for fall and winter bird watching in North America which you can take a look at below.
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