Cheers to a bloodthirsty father-son duo who murdered a bear and her two cubs in Alaska for getting what they deserve—a rare conviction. However, we don’t think it’s punishment enough for these killers who like to call themselves conservationists. We think Alaska should lock them up and throw away the key as hunting is a crime against nature. Killing is not conservation.
According to the Washington Post, Andrew Renner, 41, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three months in jail, fined $9,000 and required to forfeit the vehicles, firearms, phones and skis that were used when the bears were shot. He also had his hunting license suspended for a decade. Owen Renner, 18, was sentenced to suspended jail time and community service, prosecutors said in a statement, on charges related to the unlawful killings and falsifying records. His license was suspended for two years.
The two cut a path on backcountry skis, toting rifles and seemingly confident it was just them and the black bears, the paper reported. The then stopped at a den on a remote Alaska island and found their slumbering target. Owen Renner shouldered the rifle and fired at least two shots into a mother bear. Then the “shrieking” started, prosecutors said. The hunters listened for a few minutes and determined the origin of the cries: two cubs. Andrew Renner then looked through the scope and fired at point-blank range, killing the cubs alongside their mother.
Adding insult to injury, they had the audacity to try and cover it up, thinking they could get away with it. However, the crime was captured on a stop-motion camera used to document the bears’ activity. The sow wore a GPS-enabled collar and was part of a research project.
Alaska Assistant Attorney General Aaron Peterson told the court that the incident was the “most egregious” cub-poaching case his office had encountered, the Washington Post reported.